Tuesday 26 April 2011

Twitter Time #3 | Baseball & Burgers | April 26th, 2011

Hi buddies. Another fun tweet-chat with some of my fave players.

Date: April 23rd, 2011
Topic: Baseball & Burgers
Usual Suspects: Joffrey Lupul, Colby Armstrong, Christian Hanson, Bobby Ryan

Joffrey Lupul Just left the Angels game.. My seats were no TD Comfort Zone's... !

Colby Armstrong @ Lupul buddy are u serious. They didn't have a rubber pad for u to sit on in ur seat.

Christian Hanson "@ Lupul: Just left the Angels game.. My seats were no TD Comfort Zone's... !"

Colby Armstrong @ Christian Hanson . Save that for tomorrow night

Bobby Ryan @ Ryan Whitney Hahahaha. That will never happen man. Congrats on wiring loops yesterday.

Joffrey Lupul @ Bobby Ryan ur taking Whits side? Welcome to baby.. FYI they didn't show the DUX score once at the Angels game.

Bobby Ryan @ Lupul I call it like I see it. You know I have your back. Cassidys date soon?

Joffrey Lupul @ Bobby Ryan I can't stay mad at you w/ those dangles! Siiick bro. Burgers on me when the time comes...

That would be a fun evening out. Eating burgers with these guys!

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