Tuesday 12 April 2011

Playoffs 2011 | Witchcrafting | April 12th, 2011

I would like to share my Whimsical Playoffs Forecast with you. One of my Twitter-buddies posted his predictions earlier, so I got inspired to try this as well. Staying true to my style, this is by no means an in-depth analysis and I will not be showing off my awesome hockey knowledge - hahahah! As if I possess such a thing! Nopes, it is a mix of wishful thinking, absurdity and hoping lol .. which is probably worse than runewatching or consulting a crystal bowl ;)

[Series A - Caps vs Rangers]
Still hate the fact that the Rangers got through and left the Canes in 9th. So they must be dealt with in a swift and decisive manner. The Caps will dominate all but one game. I say 4-1 Caps.

[Series B - Flyers vs Sabres]
Sabres. Yuck. Still hurts seeing them in the Playoffs. My Flyboys will rise to the occasion and obliterate them. 4-0 Flyers.

[Series C - Bruins vs Habs]
This one is easy. Bruins will expunge the evil that is known as the Habs! I can see the Habs win one game by accident. 4-1 Bruins.

[Series D - Pens vs Bolts]
OK, I prefer the Bolts over Pens, but even in a delusional state of mind I just cannot see the Bolts move on past this stage. So with much regret: 4-2 Pens.

[Series E - Nucks vs Blackhawks]
Blackhawks ... I pretend they do not exist. 4-0 Nucks. Cause Hawks? Where? *looks around, sees nothing, just some Nucks*

[Series F - Sharks vs Kings]
Have no idea and absolutely do not care. Tail is Sharks. *flips a coin several times* OK, sorry Kings, you are out! I flipped the coin five times and four times I had tails. Since The Coins seem so sure of themselves: 4-1 Sharks.

[Series G - Red Wings vs Yotes]
Like both but the Red Wings more. They have Datsyuk after all. And the Wings will really go for it. Yaps. 4-2 Wings.

[Series H - Ducks vs Preds]
Love the Ducklings! So I hope they can evade the Preds. Mama Duck will save them! 4-2 Ducks.

Ouch, what's next?

[Caps vs Pens]
Caps over Pens anytime and definitely not a prob for Ovi. So here is where the Pens buy it. Buh-bye! 4-2 Caps.

[Flyers vs Bruins]
Bobs {edit: ok so he got replaced by Boosh, and eventually Boosh will be replaced by Leights - I foresee pain in the future} settles in and beats Thomas. Yeah! Bruins have to go home now. 4-2 Flyers.

[Caps vs Flyers]
Caps, I love you guys, but my Flyers will be on a roll. 4-2 Flyers.

[Nucks vs Ducks]
The Ducklings feel confident and surprise the Nucks. Sedin twins are seeing Ducks rain and forget to play. Ridiculous? Very much so! But sticking with it lol. 4-3 Ducks.

[Sharks vs Red Wings]
No contest. Red Wings march through and quite easily too with lots of Datsyukian dekes. 4-1 Wings.

[Ducks vs Red Wings]
Who knew right? But it is happening. The Wings soar as the Ducklings have more issues with flying. All that lurking around in ponds you know ;) ... 4-2 Wings.

[Flyers vs Red Wings]
My dream comes true. My Flyboys totally dominate and even Datsyuk cannot save the Wings. But good effort there! 4-2 FLYERS!!

So much for my witchcrafting. For a more meaningful prediction you should probably stick with the guys at NHL On The Fly or even with my previously mentioned buddy. Eventhough I have to warn you! He has this strange affliction, he is a Habs fan. *chuckle* You can read his article here: Stevie's playoff predictions 2010-11


  1. I LOVE this!!! Habs winning one game by accident is CLASSIC and the flipping the coin? Pure awesomeness! :) I agree with you on all counts.

  2. Hahah Lori, thanks for your comment :D ... lol I just had a fun time writing this lol ... and be it bogus predictions or not, it's actually what I would like to see happen :D

  3. yeah, the coin flipping was a highlight for sure! :D

    but i do not agree with all!

    1. mister 93,8%(!) thomas will lead the bruins to a series-victory over the flyers... bobrovski is the most nervous goalie i ever saw when it comes to stop a puck behind the goal and play it... he almost made a pass to a thrashers-player when he was out of the goal... THREE TIMES IN ONE GAME! it can happen once in a while, but not three times in on game...

    2. nucks will beat ducks and make it to the stanley cup final, where the bruins beat them ;)

    and not that important, but still a difference between our predictions:
    3. yotes will beat the wings...

    but i really like this! keep going with your blog, i will read it ;)

  4. Hahah, thanks for the post Sven! And I still think the Flyers will win, but on a rational level I certainly agree with your assessment of Sergei :)

    And I am sure the Ducklings will not make it that far, but again, just some wishful thinking heheh

    Thanks for you views :D
