Monday 25 April 2011

Playoffs Tidbit | Ryan Miller Whiiiiiiiiiines | April 25th, 2011

Currently there is only one player out there that gets my blood boiling. Ryan Miller. The new devil incarnate. Today he officially replaced Sid on my 'hate-list'. Actually, compared to Ryan, I *love* Sid.

I finally had some time to catch up on post-game interviews. So good to have Prongs back, I like his post-game vids. But Ryan. What a sniveling dog. Let me quote:

"If Mike Richards thinks we're getting away with murder, I don't know what he just got away with. Mass-murder? {unintelligible} are we stepping up a notch?"

Really? Did he just compare Richie to a mass-murderer? Wow. And his face, almost epic, if it were not so ugly and scary. Those shifty eyes make him look rather dilusional.

Whiny Freak!

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