Wednesday 27 April 2011

Playoffs Tidbit | Crazy Carcillo | April 27th, 2011

Today some extra special care for my favourite bad boy at the Flyers. Carcillo! He looks like the NHL's Dennis the Menace, you just know he is up to something naughty. And when the time has come, you will still be a bit surprised! Am I just imagining things or do at least half of my fellow Flyers fans hate him? It is crazy. Some say he is not fighting enough, others accuse him of being a lousy hockey player. Well, I do not care. Under the tutelage of Lavi he has become quite a fascinating player. The boyish rascal on ice, sometimes just a bit of an unguided projectile, but more and more a smart-playing teammate. And to me he is performing marvelously in the Playoffs.

So here a favourite moment. He scores a cool goal by chipping in his own rebound. As if that is not enough, he skates along the Sabres bench and does some taunting by the looks of it. If any of you happened to sit near the bench and heard what he said, please comment lol


  1. Nice goal!

    But I hate dirty-talking and provoking the other team after a goal... I mean, he scored a goal, he should cheer, but if he has a problem with some Sabres, he should drop the gloves on them... ok, carcillo is a player who drops the gloves often, but i dont like that way of goalcelebration... Its like cheering in front of the other Teams Fans in Football... Just unsportsmanlike and unnecessary... my opinion...

  2. Oh, it was just a very heated series. Game 7 saw lots of venting by everyone involved. Not saying it is the most classy thing ever. But when Carcillo does it I have to sneak in a smile anyways lol

    Plus I really do wish someone could tell me what he said :D
