Tuesday 26 April 2011

Playoffs Daily | QF Game 6 | April 26th, 2011

Just two games last night. Too late for me to watch live, but as per usual I have recorded both games and I will be watching them when I get home. For now I just go with what I know based on the recaps and reviews.

[Pens-Bolts] 2-4. Series tied at 3-3. Whoa, another tighter than expected series. Although both teams are not surprised at all. Apparently both teams knew it was going to take seven games and perhaps a triple OT to settle the winner of this series. That is what Malone said anyways. Prediction-wise I would like to see the Pens win, but emotionally speaking: WAY TO GO BOLTS! lol

[Sharks-LA Kings]: 4-3. Sharks win series 4-2. Ha. For this series' prediction I literally flipped coins, because I just had no idea and frankly, did not care much either. The Coins predicted the Sharks would win the series 4-1. So The Coins were not perfect in their prediction, but they got the winning team right. I will be redoing my predictions after the first round, and might use The Coins :D

Some other musings ...
- Tonight my Flyers play their Game 7 and I feel very confident about this one. I just know they can do it
- Ha, according to a Facebook buddy, Leights was not at practice yesterday, Sergei was. Sounds like good news to me and I hope to see Sergei on the bench for Game 7
- I was psyched when the Steegster moved from my Leafs to my Flyers ... I thought he would fit in better with the Flyers. But after a while this feeling that I was wrong crept up on me. Until Game 6. He worked hard and looked pretty awesome. Typical Playoffs guy? Or did things finally click?

If you care to, check my original Whimsical Playoffs Predictions here:
My Whimsical Playoffs Predictions

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