Monday 18 April 2011

Playoffs Daily | QF Game 3 | April 18th 2011

Sunday Hockey Night! On ESPN America: Caps vs Rangers and Nucks vs Blackhawks. It was 9.15pm CET, I sat down, started up this post and waited for the puck drop for the Caps game. Would have loved to see the Nucks game as well, but that was a bit too late for me to watch.

In any case, I was ready to watch and scribble down things that excited me during this game.This is what happened next.

*watches and waits*
*watches and waits some more*
*watches and waits even a bit more*
*wakes up in the last few minutes as some PPs generate some interesting moments in front of the Caps goal*

That pretty much sums up the first period for me. I hoped the next one would be better, but ESPN ported the NBC feed so I had to battle through their ignorance first:

Oh intermission idiocy. Honestly, those idiot NBC announcers should be shot. The crap they talk is amazing. No, letting it go, this is not the right post for that particular rant.

The second period started in much the same vein as the first. Annoyingly enough however, the Rangers scored out of the blue. What a damper. That was not the result I was hoping for. I do not like it when the Rangers lead. But at least it seemed to wake the Caps up. With fives minutes to go, the Caps finally managed to build up some pressure. It seemed short-lived, but just when I started to think it would just fizzle out, Ovi scored! A 1-1 before intermission sounded great to me at this time. And then the Rangers just had to go and mess things up again. They literally scored in the last second. Or maybe not? The clock said 0.00 ... So did they score? The War Room was consulted of course and they took their time too. The place was quiet. Everyone was waiting. The ref took his spot and then a bit of nothing lol ... what a great moment for an equipment malfunction! It definitely added to the suspension. He skated to the ref booth and finally we got to hear the decision.


That beats hitting the locker room with a 2-1 deficit! Third period started. I was caught up in some reading and only after six minutes into the game did I hear some excitement coming from the crowd and I had to rewind to see what happened. It was a Caps breakout that was thwarted by the Rangers. Ranger Ruslan Fedotenko did a huge belly slide in order to get his stick on the puck. It looked somewhat cool, but to call it 'outstanding defensive play' like the NBC announcers (them again!) did? Just goes to show what morrons they are. Especially so, because in the process Fedotenko nearly scored on his own goalie lol ... hahah ... 'outstanding' ... *shakes head in dismay*

Then after a while the Rangers scored but Knuble equalised the game with five minutes to go. It looked as if this game would go into OT, but then the Rangers scored to make it 3-2. With less than two minutes to go and with just a few lame attempts by the Caps it was too late for the Caps and we could chalk it up as a Caps loss. Not splendid at all. Personally I thought the Caps played a bad game. They took too many penalties and looked shabby and a bit disorganised in general. The Caps still lead the series 2-1, but they need to crank up their game next time!

In related news:
[Nucks-Hawks] 3-2. The Nucks now lead the series by 3-0. Doubtful the Hawks will manage to recover. And that is good news.
[Ducks-Preds] 3-4. Hmm sounds like an interesting game. More eventful than the Caps game. They should have aired this one last night. This series is definitely interesting. I think it might go to the full seven games being played. Still think the Ducks will win it. Or at least should hahah.

Tonight my Flyboys play. I hope that the last game unleashed their inner beast. I want another win and preferably less goals by the Sabres lol ... I would like a 5-2 win ;)

And as a reminder, have a look at my previous scribblings:
My Whimsical Playoffs Forecast

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