Monday 11 April 2011

Stars, Stars, Stars ... forgot to reach for the stars | April 11th 2011

ESPN America was very gracious yesterday and showed two early games so I had a hockey-filled Sunday evening! The Flyers and Leafs played their last games on Saturday (will post a short message later) so I thought I would have a nice tension-free hockey evening.

Two games: Red Wings vs Blackhawks and Penguins vs Thrashers. If you have read any of my previous posts, you will recall that the only team I like out of these four are the Wings. The Pens & Thrashers are on my hate-list and the Blackhawks ... I just really do not like them. Hmm, odd, I thought I hated the Pens & Habs most, but at least I *love* to hate them. Blackhawks, I do not even want to think about them really, I just pretend they do not exist lol

OK the games.

Pens-Thrashers >> 5-2
- A rather boring game. I was definitely not on the edge of my seat
- But memorable because after all the games had been played, the Pens confirmed their penalty killing grandness, 86.1% ... have to give them props for that!

Wings-Blackhawks >> 4-3
- Hell yeah! That was exciting. I was definitely on the edge of my seat for this one!
- I wanted the Blackhawks to lose this one, because then the Stars would have the chance to clinch the 8th spot in the Western Conference and boot the Hawks out of contention!
- So you can imagine my chagrin when just 5 minutes into the game the Hawks scored. And you could see they had momentum. How different it was just a few minutes later. The Wings managed to reclaim momentum really quickly there! First Holmstrom scored and a minute later my man Datsyuk scored one too (he was also awarded the 1st star)
- And from there on the Wings did not give up the lead although the Hawks kept hunting. Both teams played a high-octane game and after three periods I was tired just from watching ;)

And that brings me to the title of this article. The Dallas Stars were in control of their own destiny. All they had to do was beat the Wild. But they did not. Instead they fell, hit Earth atmosphere and fizzled out in the atmosphere not even reaching the surface. I have not watched the game so cannot offer my view on how that went, but it's a pitty they failed to win this one. I am sure they agree ;)

[edit April 12th] Watched a rerun of the Dallas-Wild game yesterday and cannot say I was surprised at the outcome, Stars were not shining

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