Thursday 28 April 2011

Playoffs 2011 Predictions | Witchcrafting Part Deux | April 28th, 2011

My Whimsical Playoffs Predictions - New & Improved

[Caps vs Bolts]
I had Caps versus Pens, but alas, the Pens got booted out. I like this match-up. I think we might be in for a few good games. But the Caps will get this one. 4-2 Caps. {edit: as I posted this, some huge thunder bolts lit up the sky, maybe I am wrong ...}

[Flyers vs Bruins]
I predicted this match-up, so no changes here. In my original predictions I said Sergei Bobrovksy would settle in nicely and beat Thomas. Since then we have seen Leighton and Boosh in net. We have seen Sergei in the press box. I am glad that mistake has been corrected. So Leights is apparently injured, I hope he stays the hell away from our goal. He has no business there. I can live with Boosh being the starter and I am happy Sergei is once again on the bench. Whew. With that out of the way, let me see. It will be the most physical series. Both teams have a similar style and I think that at the end of the series someone should post a video with all the hits. It might make a fine movie! Flyers are on a roll now I think and it will not be easy, but my guys will win 4-2.

[Caps vs Flyers]
Caps, I love you guys, but my Flyers will sail right past you. I just do not want to say 4-2 again. I think I will consult The Coins. Well, at least they agree with me the Flyers will win, but it will take a game more: 4-3 Flyers.

[Nucks vs Preds]
Had the Ducks here first. But the Preds ate my Duckling and are now in the Semi-Finals. I do not like it much. Yeah, I think the Nucks will make it. I just honestly do not think the Preds are a match for these guys. But as the Nucks like to make things tough on themselves I am going to say they are headed for another seven game series. 4-3 Nucks. No, I just cannot believe it. Not against the Preds. 4-2 Nucks.

[Sharks vs Red Wings]
Got this one right. Still no contest. Red Wings march through and quite easily too with lots of Datsyukian dekes. 4-1 Wings.

[Nucks vs Red Wings]
Ha! And now the Playoffs really are over for the Nucks. They are tired and the Wings will beat them in five games! Yeah! 4-1 Wings.

[Flyers vs Red Wings]
My dream comes true. My Flyboys totally dominate and even Datsyuk cannot save the Wings. But good effort there! 4-2 FLYERS!!

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