Tuesday 17 May 2011

Twitter Time #6 | Richie's Riot | May 17th, 2011

Mike Richards always has a bit of a strained relationship with reporters by the looks of it. Most of the time he sounds rather grumpy when answering reporters' questions and not just after lost games ;) ... but I get it, not everyone can keep smiling when yet another reporter asks yet another similar/annoying/stupid question!

And now our Richie is on Twitter. I am guessing he will never be the tweetmeister of the NHL, but the few tweets he did drop already produced a few memorable ones. Let me quote:

Michael Richards
One word for Steve Simmons of the Toronto Sun.....NERD!!!!!!

Michael Richards
Tim Panaccio thinks I'm moody and withdrawn with him. Maybe because he writes articles that are no where close to being true

BOOM! There you have it guys. Go Richie!!

PS What amused me after the one about Steve Simmons is that he got some support from Leafs fans agreeing with him, although I also recall someone replying 'he should grow a pair'. Twitter is so amusing!


  1. Did you see the article Steve Simmons wrote that sparked that response? He wrote, " I have two words for Philadelphia Captain Mike Richards -- Grow Up". I think he has a tendency to bash the Leafs and be very negative which is probably why Richie got support from the Toronto fans. LOL!

  2. Hahah, I did not read the whole article, but as I delved deeper I did come across more Steve Simmons hatefulness. That man is a bitch lol ... and it's easy to bash the Leafs for obvious reasons. And it's easy in general too bash. And this guy seems to be using one-liners rather than writing valuable articles which may point out shortcomings but manage to do so with some respect and dignity heheh
