Thursday 5 May 2011

Playoffs Daily | SF Game 3 & 4 | May 5th, 2011

If I had a less sunny disposition I would be very depressed this morning! I did not sleep well in general and waking up to a bunch of losses - from my point of view anyways - hardly gave me the morning start I was looking for ;) ... where to start? My first thought: What The Hell Is Going On?!?!

[Caps-Bolts] 3-5. Bolts sweep the series with 4-0. Wow, I never expected this. I dig the Bolts and I know they are a tough team to play but a 4-0 sweep is just amazing. Expected them to make things difficult for the Caps, but definitely had the Caps pegged as series winner. Looking at the games the Bolts did not even outplay the Caps, but somehow they managed to keep the edge and just win. Excellent result for them and their seventh win in a row these Playoffs. Can they keep it up in the Conference Finals? Let me close the chapter on the Caps with a long Ovi-quote: "I don't think we miss something. We have unbelievable team, great locker room, great atmosphere … but we just miss one opportunity to win one game and didn't bounce back. Again, it happened and we're going to see what is going to happen. This locker room is unbelievable. Everybody supports everybody. I hope this same team is going to be here next year." Yes, there is always next year! ;)

[Flyers-Bruins] 1-5. Bruins lead series 3-0. Well, I could totally cry over this result. But lets not go that far hahah. I watched the first fifteen minutes of this game, then I really had to get some sleep, but those two early goals were awesome from a Bruins perspective, but I was thinking "Lavi, chatting with Boosh is not going to save this game". Although admittedly Boosh did look a bit better after the chat - for the rest of the period anyways. And even the rest of my guys looked a bit less ruffled. But that lightning fast Bruins start put a dent in my confidence in the outcome of this game for sure. I tell you, waking up during the night, checking the NHL app nervously, seeing your team is behind 4-1, is not a lot of fun. Seeing the end result was 'only' 5-1 actually felt good :p ... I have DVR'ed this game and I will watch any Flyers game, a loss or not, but I might just skip this one. What do you guys think? Can someone please tell me if Sergei looked half-decent in goal? I hope that the powers that be will finally decide on an experienced and accomplished starter for next year. I am a total Sergei fan and I am positive he will continue to grow as a goalie next year and will be awesome for the Flyers ... but until he reaches that potential it would be great to have someone in net who is NOT Boosh and certainly not Leights. But it is unfair to blame the goalies for everything. I was not impressed by the rest either during the first period. Now, we know that last year we got back from that 3-0 series deficit, but can be do the same this year? I fear Game 4. If my guys show the sheer brilliance I know they possess I will be inclined to still believe. And for the love of all that is good, guys, do not allow the Bruins a full sweep! *worried*

[Sharks-Red Wings] 4-3. Sharks lead series 3-0. An OT win for the Sharks. The various reports I read are fuzzy about this one, I will have to see for myself to make any assumptions I suppose. But having Zetterberg and Datsyuk in the Three Star Selection to me reeks of an awesome game by the Wings, but somehow they just failed to win this one. If I manage to watch this game today I might add a bit more insights, but this it for now.

Hahah, writing this up is actually a bit of a downer for me.

*eats an apple and starts musing about the next round*


  1. I was pretty gutted that's for sure, another brutal game by the Flyers and yet another goalie swap. Hopefully the boys have another miracle come back in them, but if not this offseason HAS to be the offseason that the goalie problem is addressed.

    As always, nice write up :D

  2. Heheh, thanks Alan! Also thanks for helping me keep the facts straight, I will never be stats-girl xD

  3. You don't need to watch the Wings/Sharks game, just go from memory from the last few times they've played playoff games in Detroit! Both teams narrowly escape some great opportunities, Detroit blows a lead in the 3rd period, and can NEVER win in OT haha. Oh well...

  4. Hello there NG (Nicholas?) ... and hahah I am fairly new to the details of the NHL, so thanks for your insights lol ... but just from watching this series I think you are right *big sigh*
