Friday 13 May 2011

IIHF World Championship | Day 13 | May 11th, 2011

Just a quick round up of the day. Day 13. It sure was a bad luck day for two of the teams. Really? Team USA? Really? Read on.

[Czech Republic-USA] 4-0. Jagr. What a hockey deity! They guy is twice the age of some rookies, but still plays top-notch hockey. And today he led the Czechs to a shut-out victory, with a hat trick! Mike Komisarek gave the reporters some spin about how the team is young and lacks the international experience, but come on, we all expected them to better than this right? I am OK with the Czech win though. I think we may be looking at the Champions here. Eventhough Canada are still my personal faves. But I could live with the Czechs claiming the title.

And then Blogger went down for two days and ate this article! They rerolled it all and got me back this article in draft form. But missing half of it! What did I write about the other game?

[Sweden-Germany] 5-2. Germany started unlucky this Day 13 by allowing a first goal in the first minute. I hear you think 'Why is this unluck? It happens often'. You are right, but does it happen twice in a row that the first goal was not scored by the opponent but in fact by your very own D-man? Indeed, that is rotten luck. I am not sure if there is a way to practice on avoiding this, but if so, extra training might be called for! The German had a rough first period and the third was not much better. In fact, as soon as the Swedes scored yet another goal all the fighting spirit the German still had simply left. My German  buddy Sven said they sure gave it their best shot, but in the end the Swedes were simply better.

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