Wednesday 27 July 2011

Twitter Time #12 | A Bit Of Everything | July 27th, 2011

So I had a browse through my Twitter timeline to see what the (mostly) NHL players I follow were up to and there was a bit of everything. Some of it funny, some of it just telling us what folks have been up to. Here an overview, nicely sorted by type of tweet for your perusal ;)

Bobby Ryan
@JamesVanRiemsdyk you seem like a smart north jersey kid haha. Cue the south jersey jokes

Friday 22 July 2011

Richie's Move | It Still Hurts!! | July 22nd, 2011

Just came across this headline in my FB news:

And no, I am not ready for this. It still hurts. Actually, the pain has grown since July 1st. Maybe I was just shellshocked at the time and the enormity of the news had not hit me in full force yet ...

Sorry for the lack of real news, just wanted to share the pain a bit ;)

*sulking in a corner*
[edit July 26th] And I am glad he did not give in to the whole Dry Island fiasco ;)

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Summer Time Equals Hockey Draught | July 20th, 2011

Summer is so boring without hockey. Free Agency Frenzy fizzled out fast, leaving just some unsolved mysteries such as "When will Stamkos be signed?" Personally, I do not care when and by whom Stamkos will be signed (probably the Bolts). My main concern is "When will Burke finally sign Luke Schenn?"

That is how I started this article a few days ago anyways. Then did not really know where to take it and stopped writing. Hockey draught is bad for my creativity.

Oh, since then Stamkos got resigned. Of course. I do not even understand why people were so psyched about this guy hitting free agency. And was there really any other course of action than for the Bolts to resign him? I think not. Although admittedly, for a few hours I was worried the Flyers would actually do something stupid - on top of all the crazy moves that had already taken place - and make a crazy offer to the guy. Still no news on Schenner though, it is driving me nuts.


That is the question that keeps popping up in my mind. Have watched a lot of sports in my life, but have never missed a sport this much during off-season.

So what do YOU do to tide it over? Please post suggestions ;)

I have been:
♦ Reading tweets and following even more hockey-related accounts to keep that timeline interesting
♦ Puckbunnying

Puckbunnying you ask? Yes indeed and I must thank @PsychoPuckLady for aiding us ladies in this endeavour. You can read her latest blog article RIGHT HERE!! It is her Top 10 reasons why you should be rooting for the Blackhawks coming season and it is probably not a Top 10 you would expect ;) ... at least you were warned. But ladies, you will not be disappointed ...  I was nearly swayed, but hell no, the grudge is still there. Remember SCF 2010 Finals?

OK, back to reading some tweets. Might make a selection of the best ones of the past week and post Twitter Time #12 soon!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Free Agency Day | Aftermath Update | July 5th, 2011

 Just a quick update, because I am so happy ...

♦ Yeah, finally Leafs news, and good news too! Clark MacArthur signed for two years at $ 6.5m ... awesome news. Thank you Burke! Would be weird to see Kuli and Grabo without their bud right?
♦ And Bozie got resigned too! Yeah! A two-year deal at $ 1.95m ... bit of a steal maybe, but the guy does still have to prove his worth. Not quite ready for first-lining and all, but so much potential and with a bit of the pressure off, perhaps he can start developing his skills and prove he can be eventually. Also, a great fit with the team! Next signing ... Schenner?
♦ Not really Leafs news anymore, but hell, still love the man: Kabby has been signed by the Canes and I think this is a great deal for him; three years at $ 12.75m - and he gets to play with Brent

Brent was definitely happy:
Tim Brent
WOW! just found out i'll be playing with my boy Thomas Kaberle 'kaba' for the next 2 years!
Tim Brent
Tomas not "Thomas" typoe- MY BAD!

OK, if you are interested in my first post about Free Agency Day ... CLICK RIGHT HERE :)

Saturday 2 July 2011

Twitter Time #11 | Priorities | July 2nd, 2011

In the midst of all the trading, count on our Tweetionista BizNasty to lighten up the mood a bit. Thanks Biz! Had me chuckling first, then all out laughing.

Paul Bissonnette
After New York State Taxes, Brad Richards could buy every song on iTunes 5 times. Oh and 1.5 million Dances of the Lap.

Paul Bissonnette
To clarify my last tweet. Its one or the other. Not both. Decisions decisions.

Paul Bissonnette
On a serious note, I'm heading to Lake Placid for a week. How's the talent? What's the age bracket im dealing with? ?

Watch out Lake Placid!

Free Agency Day | Aftermath | July 2nd, 2011

FREE AGENCY DAY! The Aftermath.

This was my first Free Agency Day and I was nervous in the days leading up to it and today was like, wow. I could not take my eyes of Twitter, Facebook, my go-to websites ... oh yes, I went all out obsessive on this one.

In my previous post I said I found it exciting and excruciating at the same time and boy was it. I am not going to lie, it was not pretty. This day had me quite literally crying and laughing.

I had just a few wishes, let me revisit those first:
♦ Leino *must* be resigned by the Flyers
♦ Meszaros too, what the hell. Last night I came across a rumour that he is on the move. I honest to god hope that is a joke. We need our Mesz at the Flyers!
♦ Tim Brent, went UFA, come on Brian Burke, you have to keep this guy at the Leafs
♦ Max Talbot, up until now my somewhat sleazy - and mostly secret - hockey crush, might possibly move to the Leafs, which would finally enable me to cheer for him legitimately lol

If you have been following all the action you will know that:

♦ Leino in fact did not get resigned. Instead he went to what is probably the number two team on my hatelist: Sabres. Or the BKK as I like to call them. Blunt Kitchen Knives. See what I did there ;) ... anyways. I do not know how to deal with this yet. Leino and Mesz are my favourite Flyers. To see Leino move to the Sabres is like the proverbial dagger through the heart to me. Having said that, at least the Sabres were serious about Ville and apparently gave up on the idea of acquiring Brad Richards in favour of securing Leino as he was their primary target. Numbers: 6 years at a whopping $ 27m. And some say that is too much, but damn, I think he is going to be worth it

♦ No movement in regards to Meszaros

♦ Tim Brent. Well, did the Canes get themselves a steal or what? Two years, $ 750k a year. What the hell. Burke could not even offer a few dollars more to keep this guy on board? Guess not. But I like the Canes and I am glad they picked him up. Here is hoping to Brent having a great season!

♦ Max Talbot. Oh man. This is just funny. Here I thought he might be headed for my Leafs. Instead, he has landed in Philadelphia, at my Flyers! Oh boy, a Penguin in the Flyers camp. Numbers: 5 years, $ 9m. Fair amount for him I think, not everyone agrees. I think I would have liked seeing him at the Leafs just a bit more, but hell, I can see how this might work out right. Welcome aboard!

So what else happened? Oh not much ...

♦ Like hell! BOOM! Only the biggest upset of the day: the Jagr signing by the Flyers! Not easy to upset a crazy trading day like this. Unexpected twist and turns, crazy terms & salaries. But Holmgren managed to cause the biggest one, by snatching Jagr away right under the noses of the Pens and Wings. A one-year deal at $ 3.3m. Overpaid, waste of money, locker room poison are just the few negatives I came across today. I only recall him from Olympic games and this year's World Cup and I liked what I saw. Plus he has had a good season in the KHL. I have no idea how this will work out though. But I am going to give this deal the benefit of the doubt. Still. I am going to say that Holmgren is now certifiably insane. Will gladly eat those words if we win the 2012 Cup, but I have great difficulties seeing how this new team can possibly glue ...

♦ Flyers also acquired Andreas Lilja from the Ducks (3 years at $ 1.7m) and extended Voracek's contract

♦ J.S. Giguere signed with the Avs. A 2-year deal worth $ 2.5m. Glad Giggy found a home, he is a great guy. Just did not work out well for the Leafs. The Avs also acquired Semyon Varlamov, saving him from returning to the KHL. Varly will probably be the primary with the seasoned Giggy as a back-up. A bit crazy, but could work. Wonder why the Avs did not go for Vokoun though ...

♦ Burke was in Kandahar and did not acquire anything today. Might not be so bad looking back, but I was expecting *something*

All in all this day brought all the excitement I thought it would. Happy with Max, OK with Jagr, sick with sorrow about Leino. I wonder what the rest of the week will bring! I do know that Flyers-Pens games will be even grittier than before. There will be blood. Fun season ahead!

Oh before I sign off, if you want a crips and clean overview of all the transfers, have a look at:

[update July 4th]
♦ On July 3rd, second day of trading, the Leafs acquired Cody Franson & Matthew Lombardi from the Preds. And here is the killer: in exchange for dead balast Brett Lebda! Oh and also Robert Slaney and a 2013 4th-round pick. Good job Burke!

One of my Twitter contacts describes the trade best on his site: LeafsHQ!

Friday 1 July 2011

Free Agency Day !!!! | July 1st, 2011




See that? It is exciting and excruciating at the same time.

By the way, apologies if I lured you here and made you think you would read some amazing insights. Because you are not going to. But if you arrived here for that purpose, let me forward you to these places, it is where I go to check up on stuff:

There, what I want is to just vent. Here my few wishes, based entirely on emotional motives:
- Leino *must* be resigned by the Flyers
- Meszaros too, what the hell. Last night I came across a rumour that he is on the move. I honest to god hope that is a joke. We need our Mesz at the Flyers!
- Tim Brent, went UFA, come on Brian Burke, you have to keep this guy at the Leafs
- Max Talbot, up until now my somewhat sleazy - and mostly secret - hockey crush, might possibly move to the Leafs, which would finally enable me to cheer for him legitimately lol

Oh, and one thing I do not want to see happen: Stamkos to Flyers. Up until the last few days I appreciated Stamkos for his talent, but that is it. Not a fan. Nor a hater. Then the rumours of a possible trade started and I developed a very irrational hate for the poor guy. I am sorry, I just cannot picture him in Orange & Black. The idea makes me positively hateful. Now Holmgren yesterday confirmed that they would not be putting in a offer for him, and I want to believe it so badly. But they have been lying to us a lot this year, so who knows what Holmgren has up his sleeve. I know I will feel better and go to a normal state of mind about Stamkos once the trade is definitely definitely definitely out of the picture.

So, what do you want to see happen? And no, not in answer to my own little wish list, am interested in what other folks are hoping for regardless of team and/or player preferences! I will even allow comments about the Habs, because it is also Canada Day - Happy Canada Day all you Canadian hockey fans!

Anyways, share your wishlist in the comments (you probably will not) or join me on Twitter ... @violet_nl ... I will be lurking in there all day long, waiting for stuff to happen. Sorry boss! ;)